Garden Bags
Visitors to the Olive Street Community Garden this summer were able to take their veggies home in new cotton garden bags printed with the OSCG logo. Cotton bags are a much better alternative to plastic – they are made of sustainable materials, last longer, and look nicer. Not to mention your brand is seen by many more people for a long time!
We love what this organization is doing! The Olive Street Community Garden is a partnership between The City of Salem and Stand Up for Salem, funded by the Neighborhood Revitalization Tax Credit Program and coordinated by Lighthouse Ministry, Inc. Lighthouse Ministry in Salem, NJ, is a Christian nonprofit outreach effort by 1st Presbyterian Church of Salem.
Some people look at a city or neighborhood and say, it’s too much work. That will never be any better. But Beth Davenport, who has a deep love for people and her city, saw something different. She saw an opportunity. Beth has spent a number of years now working with Lighthouse Ministry to gather volunteers to do all kinds of things that are making a positive difference in Salem. During the year, students can get tutoring. In the summer, City Lights volunteers help run weeklong camps. The OSCG is one of her newest programs, providing fresh produce to many who need or want it. The garden is tended by a number of local children and several adult volunteers.
My hat is off to anyone who, like Beth, seeks to make a difference in the lives of the people around them!